The peaceful forest where I teach Nature Meditation
8 Session Course
in Meditation.
This is the series of talks that I now use to teach meditation. It is a Course of eight lessons, each with a talk that explains different aspects of the meditation technique. Each talk also has a relevant section in the last webpage listed under the menu heading “Course in Meditation”. That last webpage is entitled “Traditional Terminology for Meditation Instruction.”
I include this Course in Meditation here to give you some idea of how this meditation is done. For regular training in this meditation is foundational to all the writings on this website.
Reading these eight talks will not teach you how to meditate. These eight talks explain the method and purposes of this kind of meditation. They feed the thinking mind with ideas that can help with the training. Moreover, the kind of consciousness we use to find information from the internet is quite opposite to the consciousness of meditation. Please remember this when reading these talks about meditation.
Meditation is a practical skill learned by private practice. Learning to meditate is like learning to play a classical instrument. Very few people can become accomplished in a just a year or two of practice. Rather, it is a skill we can cultivate over the years, thru regular diligent practice.
I recommend you use these talks properly. Set up a half hour in some suitable place, do your meditation, then read one talk afterwards. Next week repeat the process, and read the next talk. And so on.
After you have completed each meditation session, you can refer to the relevant section of the last page in this series, entitled “Traditional Terminology for Meditation Instruction.” Please do not be driven nor tempted to read the ‘Traditional Terminology’ webpage from start to finish. It is better just to read the terminology relevant to the meditation lesson you have just completed.
Best wishes from Mike.