twam eva sarvam mama deva -
meaning, discussion.
त्वमे व माता च पिता त्वमे व ।
twam eva mātā cha pita twam eva
twam eva maataa cha pita twam eva
this is truly mother and father this is truly
त्वमे व बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमे व ।
twam eva bandhu cha sakhā twam eva
twam eva bandhu cha sakhaa twam eva
this is truly friend and relative this is truly
त्वमे व विद्या द्रविणम् त्वमे व ।
twam eva vīdyā dravinam twam eva
twam eva viidyaa dravinam twam eva
this is truly knowledge wealth this is truly
त्वमे व सर्वम् मम देव देव ॥
twam eva sarvam mama Deva Deva
truly completely am I radiant Presence
filled (of Deity)
twam eva mātā cha pita twam eva
twam eva maataa cha pita twam eva
this is truly mother and father this is truly
त्वमे व बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमे व ।
twam eva bandhu cha sakhā twam eva
twam eva bandhu cha sakhaa twam eva
this is truly friend and relative this is truly
त्वमे व विद्या द्रविणम् त्वमे व ।
twam eva vīdyā dravinam twam eva
twam eva viidyaa dravinam twam eva
this is truly knowledge wealth this is truly
त्वमे व सर्वम् मम देव देव ॥
twam eva sarvam mama Deva Deva
truly completely am I radiant Presence
filled (of Deity)
The Song.
This is the culmination song for the albums “Presence” and “Bhakti”, by Sacred Earth. Their recent live album “Presence” well captures the magic they can now create in live concert, and the CD sleeve has excellent imagery of Prem and Jethro, which seems to portray Presence.
In a sense, this song brings together and expresses all that has been built up throughout the album, in singing and instrumental.
Prem has turned the last line into a chorus, and this becomes a simple five word mantra that is easy to join in with.
You can listen to and buy this song as a single, as a download, from Album “Presence”, Track 6, Twa meva
Deva Premal offers another magnificent song for this mantra. A Youtube video of their concert. Incredible Presence. Available at –
The Mantra Translated.
In Theistic Terms.
twam and twa just means “you”. But in mantra, it refers to Deity. Indeed, the last word of our mantra is Deva, which in theistic terms means “Deity or God.” Then Deva Deva means “Deity of Deities.”
Some people find it helpful to perceive Deity as a powerful and benevolent spirit being that we can call upon for assistance. In this case, our mantra describes this spirit being as like a caring “mother and father”, like a caring “friend and relative.” She or He is both “knowledge and wealth.”
Translating the chorus we get -
twam eva sarvam mama Deva Deva
you are truly all my Deity of Deities.
In Non Theistic Terms.
For those of us who do not encounter this external God, then Deva can mean Presence (of Deity). Deva literally means “radiant one”, and this suggests Presence (of Deity) that is strong enough to be radiant with the spiritual Qualities. Thus Deva Deva can mean “radiant Presence (of Deity)”
twam can also mean “this is”. It can be helpful to leave the essential word implied and unspoken. This helps to simplify the language to the essentials.
We know the mantra is about Deity or the Presence (of Deity,) and this is confirmed by the last words Deva Deva. Just the word twam or “this is” can be enough to draw attention to Presence, to reconnect with and restore Presence into this moment.
In addition, using a non-specific word like twam or “this” helps avoid any unintended connotations or additional meanings that might be attached to a word like “God”.
eva is an emphasis for the preceding word, and usually run into it as in त्वमेव . In this context, it can mean “truly” or “surely”.
mata and pita are like the Latin mater and pater for mother and father.
Presence is like being a caring mother, father, friend and relative. Being caring to ourselves. Being nurturing to ourselves, in healthy food, habits and especially in thinking. Not allowing self sabotage to take off in our mind.
vīdyā (viidyaa) is like our word “vision”. vidya can mean spiritual knowledge or understanding.
sarvam and sarve just means “all”. mama is also written as mām, mād, māt (see section L 4), and just means “me or I”. Thus sarvam mama can mean “all of me is ... ” or “completely filled am I with ....”
Translating our chorus we get -
twam eva sarvam mama Deva Deva
truly, completely filled am I (with) radiant Presence (of Deity.)
Since this song is about Presence, and the album is also entitled “Presence”, let’s look at what Presence might mean for us, and what it has to do with Deity.
Eckhart Tolle prefers this word Presence as an alternative to the word “God”, for no one can claim monopoly on Presence.
In my writings, Deity is something that will come to us, sooner or later, when conditions are favourable for a visit. Our task is to create these necessary conditions. Our task is to make effort, guided by our own experience of what works best for us.
Deity then appears in the form of release and transcendence, or as the Presence of the spiritual Qualities. Thus Deity is an experience, not a prescribed religious belief, in these translations. The important perception is that Deity comes from : beyond the ego and opinions, perhaps from outside ourselves.
Thus the important thing about Deity is not our well formed views about Deity, but rather the Presence of Deity. This can be understood as the Presence of the spiritual Qualities or bodhyanga, and the absence of the defilements or kilesa (see section 2).
In addition, the Presence of Deity can be understood to be –
- Presence. Being connected to our own vitality, connected to other people, and connected to the Source of healing and Mother Nature.
- Being Present, not dwelling on past pain nor worrying about the future, and
- Being in the Here and Now. Not wandering in endless thought, unguarded and unguided, which inevitably strays down dark paths where suffering lurks in ambush.
- The healing of wounds, the release of painful feelings, the cessation of pain filled and pain driven thought.
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