May we rise up from murky depths to
the delightful, the prosperous and the beneficial.
the delightful, the prosperous and the beneficial.
mangalam bhagavan Vishnu -
मङ्गलम् भगवान विष्णुः
mangalam bhagavān Vishnu
mangalam bhagavaan Vishnu
beneficial & prosperous (is) fruit of
spiritual practice
मङ्गलम् गरुण ध्वजः।
mangalam garunda dhvajah
joy (that eagle’s flight
soars like an)
मङ्गलम् पुण्डरी काक्षः
mangalam puṇḍarī kāksha
mangalam pundarii kaaksham
prosperity (like) lotus symbol
मङ्गलाय तनो हरिः॥
mangalā-ya tanno Hari
mangalaa-ya tanno Hari
moving towards outcome fruit of
happiness (is the) or nature (of) spiritual practice
(Note on pronunciation. ṇ and ḍ with a dot under are pronounced with the tongue pointing towards the mid palette, instead of the teeth. A more subtle way of pronouncing n and d.)
mangalam bhagavān Vishnu
mangalam bhagavaan Vishnu
beneficial & prosperous (is) fruit of
spiritual practice
मङ्गलम् गरुण ध्वजः।
mangalam garunda dhvajah
joy (that eagle’s flight
soars like an)
मङ्गलम् पुण्डरी काक्षः
mangalam puṇḍarī kāksha
mangalam pundarii kaaksham
prosperity (like) lotus symbol
मङ्गलाय तनो हरिः॥
mangalā-ya tanno Hari
mangalaa-ya tanno Hari
moving towards outcome fruit of
happiness (is the) or nature (of) spiritual practice
(Note on pronunciation. ṇ and ḍ with a dot under are pronounced with the tongue pointing towards the mid palette, instead of the teeth. A more subtle way of pronouncing n and d.)
The Song.
By Soraya Saraswati and Terry Oldfield. The instrumental by Terry that opens the piece is especially beautiful, as is the singing, voice modulation and melody led by Soraya, on their album “Journey into Space”, 2012. This album was available on Terry’s website, but unfortunately it is not on the bandcamp website. They also recorded this song on their album “Temple Moon,” 2017. Available at track 1 Mangalam. Terry has named his recording studio on the Sunshine Coast, Qld : “Mangalam.”
This song is special to me because they performed it very well at their concert in a delightful Yoga center at the beach of Hervey Bay, in 2018. I bought the album, translated this song within a few days, and we used the CD at our next Kirtan session in Bundaberg.
The Mantra Discussed.
A delightful mantra about the benefits of spiritual practice, such as prosperity and enjoyment.
This website gives a lot of material on spiritual practice and healing. To help us all in this important endeavour (including me!)
Derivation Details.
- mangalam = happiness, joy, prosperity, good fortune, beneficial outcome. Sometimes called “auspicious.” It can also mean “blessing”
puṇḍarī kākṣa = पुण्डरी काक्ष = lotus (puṇḍarī) image (kāksha). This suggests the symbol of the lotus, which is beauty arising from murky depths. So –
- puṇḍarī kākṣa can mean the lotus symbol.
garunda dhvaja = गरुणध्वज = characteristic or symbol (dhvaja) of the eagle (garunda) This suggest the soaring flight of the eagle, high in the heavens. So -
- garunda dhvaja can mean the eagle’s soaring flight.
When we pronounce garuḍa, we curl the tip of the tongue backwards as we approach the sound ḍ in the word garuḍa. This generates the sound ‘n’. garuḍa is often spelled Garunda.
Hari = Vishnu are the Names for Deity in our mantra. In the trimurti of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, Vishnu is the principle of supporting and protecting, in Deity. This is an essential feature of our spiritual practice - to develop and protect our happiness, enjoyment, prosperity, clarity, good will. So –
- Hari = Vishnu can mean the outcome or fruit of our spiritual practice.
bhagavā is a very common word for Deity, especially in the Srimad Bhagavan-tam. It usually means the Qualities of Deity, or the strengths of Presence. I discuss this at length for another mantra – om namo bhāgavate vasu-devāya, for which Terry and Soraya also have an excellent song recorded.
In the context of our mantra maṅgalam bhagavān Vishnu, bhagavān is best understood to mean good fortune, prosperity and happiness. These are more specific Qualities of the Presence of Deity.
Interpretation for God Worship.
We can use a different interpretation for theistic purposes. Then –
bhagavān = Lord
dhvajaḥ = emblem
akṣa = eyes
and we can get –
मङ्गलम् भगवान विष्णुः
maṅgalam bhagavān Vishnu
mangalam bhagavaan Vishnu
auspicious (is) Lord Vishnu
मङ्गलम् गरुण ध्वजः ।
maṅgalam garuḍa dhvajaḥ
auspicious (is his) eagle’s emblem
मङ्गलम् पुण्डरी काक्षः
maṅgalam puṇḍarī kākṣa
mangalam pundarii kaaksham
auspicious (are his) lotus like eyes
मङ्गलाय तनो हरिः ॥
maṅgalā-ya tanno Hari
mangalaa-ya tanno Hari
auspicious (is) Hari
In the traditional storey telling, Vishnu travels thru the air on the back of an eagle, and so the eagle is his emblem or symbol.
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discuss how to gain the full benefit of these mantra writeups.
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discuss how to gain the full benefit of these mantra writeups.